Fala The Laker

Meet Fala the Laker - The Official Mascot of Roosevelt University

Who is Fala the Laker?

Fala the Laker is the official mascot of Roosevelt University. Introduced to the Roosevelt University community on March 22, 2016, Fala is the Scottish Terrier of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Why Fala the Laker?

Roosevelt University is named after Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and Fala the Laker is another link to FDR and Eleanor. Fala is one of the most famous presidential pets. While FDR was in office, Fala was so popular that he received thousands upon thousands of letters from people and animals across the country, and he was the subject of two films in the 1940s. He is also the only pet to be immortalized in statue form as part of the FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Of course, being the official mascot of Roosevelt University and the Roosevelt Lakers means that Fala is also a Laker, hence Fala the Laker as his official name. He loves his home at Roosevelt University, in the city of Chicago, and close to the beautiful lakefront near Roosevelt's downtown Chicago campus!

What does Fala the Laker do?

Fala the Laker brings spirit and energy to athletic events and University functions. He is a positive pooch with loyalty to the Roosevelt Lakers and a penchant for having fun!

How can you keep up with Fala the Laker?

In addition to public appearances, Fala has an Instagram account: @falathelaker. Give him a fala!

All booking inquiries should be directed to fala@roosevelt.edu.